Tuesday, June 8, 2010


There is a distributor for a local meat processing plant literally 3 blocks from my house, and they sell smoked pork chops (from locally raised pigs) for about $2 a pop in 4 packs. Combined with 2 eggs fried in the rendered pan fat of the pork chop and hit with salt, pepper, and a dash of Dave's "temporary" (out of the real stuff) insanity sauce- you have a delicious and healthy breakfast that will carry you through the day without feeling the hypoglycemic crashes of a carbohydrate based meal. And guess what your brain actually runs the most efficiently on? Fat! Especially the saturated fats in animal products. So eggs and porkchops may calorically look bad, but don't believe any ignorant person that might tell you that together they are an "unhealthy meal."

Together, the two contain the fats your body needs for your brain to function efficiently and the proteins your body needs to harvest amino acids to do most of the other functions that are not fulfilled by the fats you consume. Your body synthesizes fat in a more efficient way than carbohydrates. Fat's don't immediately charge your body with energy (chains of basic sugars) causing a spike in your blood sugar level.

When your blood sugar level starts increasing rapidly, your brain figurately screams "Oh SH**T!," and to prevent you from slipping into a diabetic coma, slams a giant panic button releasing insulin from your pancreas into your bloodstream to bring your bloodsugar levels back down. But Uh Oh, a second warning mechanism fires off, your blood sugar is now dropping really fast- faster than normal. Your brain thinks you must now suddenly be starving. EAT SOMETHING! FEEL HUNGER!!! Those super caloric donuts or pieces of bread- eat them and fast- MUST GET BACK TO NORMAL! That's why you start craving to eat more food even though you might have just polished off enough raw energy (calories) to fuel you for an entire day. Stop listening to your brain- listen to your body. When your tummy rumbles and you actually feel hunger pains, that's when you give your brain the autonomy to use its creative imagination to decide what to eat. No diets are necessary.

Our bodies adapt to our environment, and if you *keep* giving a mouse more and more cookies, eventually he gets used to eating tons of cookies. And to get the same satisfaction he used to get from just eating one, he has to eat 100s. That's the curse that comes with being greedy (implicit all the way down to the basic mathematic level- demonstrated in the economic law of diminishing returns) with the satisfaction one gets from food and with anything in general.

I think next time I am going to sear the pork chop off on both sides in the pan to get better carmelization since the convection oven broiler side didn't color it at all before the egg yolks started firming up.

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